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Würzburger Landstraße 7, 91522 Ansbach
0981 42100-20


MVZ Frauenärzte am Bürgerpark in Ansbach

Online appointment!

Book an appointment with your favorite doctor now - very uncomplicated - safe - around the clock - without waiting!


MVZ Frauenärzte am Bürgerpark
Würzburger Landstraße 7
91522 Ansbach


Request Prescription:
0981 42100 44

0981 42100 0

0981 42100-20

Office Hours

Mo. – Do.: 08:00 – 18:00 Uhr
Fr.: 08:00 – 13:00 Uhr

Individual medical consultation hours / appointments by appointment only


You can park about 100m further on the Rezatwiese car park or in the nearby Brücken-Center. We have a disabled parking space directly in front of the practice.

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